Una Vista General

Convivencia con familias anfitrionas

Vivir con una familia ecuatoriana representa una experiencia única y enriquecedora para los estudiantes, ya que les brinda la oportunidad de perfeccionar sus habilidades lingüísticas en español en situaciones cotidianas. Además, les permite sumergirse en la cultura, los valores y las tradiciones, insertándose en el contexto social, político y cultural de los pueblos andinos.

Esta vivencia propicia una verdadera inmersión cultural y la integración de los estudiantes como miembros plenos de la familia. Participan activamente en todas las actividades familiares, forjando lazos familiares y amistades que trascienden la duración de los programas académicos.

Investigación – Pasantías

El involucramiento en organizaciones, ya sean públicas, privadas o comunitarias, emerge como uno de los pilares fundamentales en un programa de estudios interculturales. Este enfoque permite una comprensión más profunda de diversas formas de ser, destacando la importancia de las diferencias culturales, cosmovisiones, valores y concepciones sobre las interrelaciones entre los seres humanos y su conexión con la naturaleza.
El programa de Proyectos Individuales o Internados tiene como objetivo respaldar a los estudiantes en el desarrollo de programas de investigación participativa y de servicio a nivel comunitario u organizaciones no gubernamentales.

Durante la pasantía, se espera que los estudiantes integren sus observaciones de campo con elementos teóricos, culminando en la producción de una monografía interpretativa de la realidad ecuatoriana. Para lograr este propósito, se llevarán a cabo tres seminarios académicos diseñados para fortalecer la metodología y las técnicas de investigación, adaptándolas al proyecto individual de cada estudiante.



I learned a lot about collaboration and working under supervisors in a professional, humble, capable way. This was a valuable opportunity to apply my knowledge as a journalism student to the specific needs of a non-profit while learning about micro-finance, development and professional training methods for the economically disadvantaged.

Kathryn Elliott.

Medio Ambiente

I would highly recommend this internship to students who are interested in environmental issues, nutrition, education, or cultural studies. There are a variety of opportunities to participate and learn about many aspects of this community. Community leaders are extremely knowledgeable and inspiring, and many new and continuing projects are in progress to improve the lives of community leaders in sustainable ways. Wayra Churi offers a unique opportunity to live with the same community that you are working with. For me, this was a really powerful experience to immerse myself in this community and gave me a deeper insight into how I could contribute to projects.

Courtney Columbus.


What a great experience! The first week in the hospital was challenging because I had little supervision or direction. I didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing or how I was able to help. However, after observing how the hospital functions and becoming familiar with the staff, I learned that all I had to do was ask questions! If I wanted to spend time in gynecology or internal medicine, no hay problema. All of the doctors and nurses I worked with were very receptive and willing to help me learn. I am thankful that I was responsible for the success of my internship because I grew personally and professionally from taking initiative. I feel as though I gained a complete understanding of the different aspects of the hospital because I had little restriction and a lot of freedom to observe and help.

Kelly DeCaster.

Spring break

I really learned a lot in this internship and I highly recommend this internship for future students. This internship is meant for any student interested in the medical practices. There are three different types of treatments to learn about and for the most part every area is very open to having you observe and learn about their practices.

Adriana Saad.